Regulatory / Tax Compliance

The telecommunications industry is heavily regulated. Telecom companies must deal with the Federal Communication Commission, state Public Utility Commissions and a host of other agencies, federal, state and local.

Failure to meet the regulatory requirements could result in large fines and significant delays to your ability to conduct business. It is best to have an experienced eye look over your regulatory affairs.

Telecom Regulations Lawyer

Ben Bronston has more than 20 years of experience practicing in telecommunication law, including in telecom regulations and laws. He is a nationally recognized expert in telecom. Ben Bronston offers comprehensive regulatory and compliance services before the FCC and each of the state public utilities commissions. Call our firm today at 888.469.0579 to set up a consultation.

Telecom Regulatory Services Offered

Routine certification and licensing work is typically handled by a regulatory specialist ensuring legally sufficient filings at competitive fixed rates. If enforcement matters arise, competitors contest filings or other non-routine issues arise, immediate involvement by experienced telecommunications attorneys facilitates the best possible outcome.

Ben Bronston routinely assists his clients with varied compliance filings and enforcement matters at both the federal and state levels. Services offered include:

  • Customized FCC Compliance Packages including all regular FCC filings and reports. Specialized evaluations of clients’ regulatory obligations followed by preparation and filing of all required federal forms as well as submission of required fee assessments (available at competitive fixed fees; discounted rate for purchasing the full Customized FCC Compliance Package);
  • FCC Section 214 filings and preparation of FCC required Price Lists (offered at competitive fixed rates);
  • State certification filings and tariff preparation (prepared at competitive fixed rates);
  • Customized State Compliance Packages, including ongoing state telecommunications regulatory filings and reports. Preparation and filing of required forms with public utilities commissions and third-party administrators (available at competitive fixed fees) including state USF, E911, annual reports, state regulatory fee payments, surcharge remittances, and more;
  • Customer data (Customer Proprietary Network Information or CPNI) compliance and filing requirements (CPNI plans available at fixed rates);
  • Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) counseling and compliance. CALEA Compliance Plans filed with the FCC at fixed rates;
  • Universal Service Fund (USF) assistance, including 499-A and 499-Q submissions, USF disputes and enforcement matters, contribution minimization counseling and registered agent services;
  • VoIP regulatory compliance, including FCC 499 filings;
  • Wireless licensing and authorization applications, including applications for Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) status;
  • “Slamming” and “cramming” enforcement matters before the FCC and state commissions (including enforcement investigations and responses to complaints); and
  • Third Party Verification (TPV) script and sales script preparation and opinions to ensure regulatory compliance.

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